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Is there such thing as Christian Polygamy?

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Is there such thing as Christian Polygamy?
asked Feb 4, 2013 in Others by anonymous

2 Answers

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polygamy is the new testament does not specifically repeal the Old Testament tolerance of polygamy and because Martin Luther, when forced into a tricky political corner, drew attention to this fact. To use this logic one would have to conclude that we should execute heretics because this was not only allowed but commanded in the Old Testament, was not specifically repealed in the New Testament, was advocated by the reformers, and too bad if it
answered Feb 7, 2013 by Theut1965 (360 points)
0 votes
Historically speaking, yes. The Old Testament is full of Polygamy, and incest at times. However, no Christian sect believes in polygamy nowadays, at least not officially.
answered Oct 7, 2013 by anonymous