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How do I fix myself

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I don't know what's wrong with me ... I have short attention span , have short term memory loss, I can't multitask anymore, I can't hold a normal conversation with jumbling up words or ideas. I am only 17 years old I don't know I feel as if my humanity and knowledge is degrading . And I always feel lost . I am always told I lack my deen, but when I try there's not much of a difference. Once I commit to do something the next day it's as if I'm on an island lost and alone.I need to get back up because my life is a mess r now , starting from school- home - deen; everything. I am stress free for some reason I can't worry , no worry or stress doesn't even cross my mind. I tell myself not to do something even if it's a second and I tend to respond to it.I know this probably sounds like I have no life but I need to figure out what's wrong with me . an anyone help me , what's should I do ?
asked Mar 19, 2016 in Islam by anonymous

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