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Who is more committed on their faith, Muslims or Christians?

+1 vote
Who is more committed on their faith, Muslims or Christians?
asked Feb 7, 2013 in Islam & Christianity by Frailie (420 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

 I believe regardless what path you chose.. if you wholeheartedly stick with it and you firmly believe and follow God, then you are very much committed. So I could say whatever religion you have your faith will always reflect with your actions.

answered Feb 7, 2013 by anonymous
or your actions will reflect your faith.
0 votes
While I somewhat agree with the first post, I have to just say my own opinion is Muslims are commtted as a community and are far more disciplined and far less self serving than Christians. I have been on both sides of the fence so I feel I can give an unbiosed opinion. Just imagine two trees. One tree is the Bradford pear with many branches going in different directions(Christians) the other tree a Leyland Cypress Evergreen (Muslims) with many branches as well but they are all growing together in the same direction.
answered Feb 23, 2013 by anonymous (6,010 points)