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Are Muslims threat to the civilized world?

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Miconception about Muslims?
asked Apr 16, 2013 in Islam & Terrorism by anonymous
edited Apr 18, 2013 by Admin

4 Answers

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Islam is no threat to any one or in the civilized world, those  who have love of God in their hearts. Islam is religion of God sends down to Prophet Muhammad, His messenger to all man kind, proclaiming good news to all of them that God will rewarded them with Heaven, if they answer the call of His Holy Prophet by becoming Muslims. At the same time warning all of them to safe guard themselves against the snares of Satan that call them to Hell by instigate them to denied the Greatness of God ,His Holy Prophet and the Holy Book of Quran.To end, Islam is the real threat to those people of the world who decide by themselves to go to Hell by after the wrong paths of Satan and the real threat to Satan itself.
answered Apr 18, 2013 by jeff (420 points)
edited Apr 18, 2013 by Admin
0 votes
I Think those who are not pure Muslims. They are threat to the civilized world.
answered Jun 3, 2013 by anonymous
0 votes
muslims are increasing in number and this is the reason that WEST is worried about I don't think muslims are threat to the western world but it may be propaganda by those who don't like muslims like jews or gays for example the twin towers was not the work of muslims but the work of jews and CIA the towers were not hit by planes but by explosion kind of the demolishers use like the owner of the twin towers silverstain he is a developer and a demolisher so he is acountable   for those people who died in those towers he and bush together they played a part  the BUSH administration wanted war on muslims they blew up the twin towers in order to blaim muslims and to  declare war on muslims nations.silverstain had a demolisher company so he didn't get a permition to bring those towers down it would have taken him months and it was very costly to demolish those towers by construction workers so he did it in ilegal way togather with bush and he claimed compensation to his insurer and he was very lucky men to get 6 bilion dollars in compensation who is a terrorist now
answered Jun 22, 2013 by anonymous
0 votes
the CIA goal is to fight extremist but to fight someone you need to have a reason that's why the towers were blown up to bring the world together againts terrorists.The CIA creates events in US interest  CIA guys are everywere they misguide the world they are the one so called al qaeda there is only onesite CIA but in two groups Al= qaeda and cia the us government is ruled by jews zionists for years they are the ones who hate muslims they are the ones who control media holywood we have seen many movies that muslims were portrayed as terrorists so this is to make people believe that muslims are a barbaric it is a jewish propaganda
answered Jun 22, 2013 by anonymous