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How Do Christianity As well as Islam View The Issue Of Abortion? In the world today.

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To know the different issue about abortion.
asked Jul 11, 2013 in Islam & Christianity by anonymous

1 Answer

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Christians typically would suggest birth and then adopted in these cases. Considering that Islam forbids adoption, it usually advocated that the mother still has committed to the child regardless of these circumstances. However there is a sharp distinction in that Islam permits abortions when the fetus puts the life of the mother in mortal peril. Christianity values the life of the fetus and of the mother equally and so does not grant an abortion in these circumstances.In many Christian communities, there is also the problem of whether or not it is permissible to abort a fetus provided through an act of violence or rape. You have an understanding that the female rape victim should be supported and not have her life ruined by the imposition of a pregnancy days that would remind her of the pain of that one incident. However, the fetus is no less of a human because of the method of conception.
answered Jul 12, 2013 by lee (710 points)