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Muslim Population?

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Is the Muslim population growing, shrinking, or relatively static? I know the Christian population is somewhat static due to population growth and the growth of atheism cancelling each other out.
asked Sep 21, 2013 in Islam by anonymous

2 Answers

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The Muslim population is certainly growing as it is a blessing and a gift to bear children and make large families, while other cultures are stopping at 2.5 children as an average. If you are speaking about Islam as a religion it is the 2nd largest religion in the world and growing. The reason in part is due to as you say the static Christians, the lack of reproduction as compared to a society that is mulyiplying and raise their children to be Muslim in a society that is swimming in culture heritage and strong belief and fear of Allah. Islam is on the heels of Christianity. It would be a sweet world if Christians could open their mind to some new and revealing answers that are so closely related to their own belief system.
answered Dec 6, 2013 by anonymous (6,010 points)
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The second largest religion in the world, Islam has a total of about 1.62 billion members, or 23 percent of the entire world's population. About 49 countries have a Muslim majority, although Africa is the only continent with a Muslim majority. Most of the world's Muslim population lives in South Asia, particularly the countries of Indonesia, Pakistan, and India.

answered Dec 6, 2013 by anonymous (6,010 points)