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Is Quran a book of religion? or a book of governmental regime?

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Some countries like Turkey, Egypt etc. take Quran as a book of religion. But some take it as their governmental regime. Some countries take Quran as their justice system, the book of law and the governing power. Now, i know Quran says a lot about how the justice should be served between man and wife, within the family and friends.

But which one is right?

Is Quran a book of religion? or a book of governmental regime?
asked Jan 15, 2013 in Islam by anonymous

2 Answers

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In Islam, the Muslim bible, the Qur'an, is taken up symbolize the completion of these scriptures, and to synthesize them as God's true, final, and eternal message.  Because the People of the Book recognize the God of Abraham as the one and only god, as do Muslims, and they practice revealed faiths based on divine ordinances, tolerance and autonomy is accorded to them in societies governed by sharia (Islamic divine law).
answered Jan 25, 2013 by elizabethmadison63 (520 points)
0 votes
For me it's a book of religion, its a holy book after all "not literally a book" what's most important is that few of our brothers and sisters do believe that its a book of religion despite of the issues about this governmental regime...
answered Jan 28, 2013 by fowlesjames248 (430 points)