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If Allah knows everything, why did he make the Qu'ran so ambiguous? Did he want Muslims to spend their spare time trying to figure out it's meanings?

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To know everything about Qu'ran.
asked Apr 14, 2013 in Islam by anonymous

1 Answer

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Beacause Arabic language is a rich, complex language. The same word may have different meanings. From the same root, you may create tens of derivatives, each derivatives has it's own significance. by varying the structure of a sentence, you can change the maening of the sentence. That may explain why translator of the Quran, particularly non-Arab translators, face a very difficult task. No one knows what is in the mind of God and therefore the full intended meaning of each word of the Quran. So, the translator find themselves trying to guess what is God may have meant.
answered Apr 15, 2013 by anonymous