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Do all Muslims want Sharia Law?

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Lots of Muslim countries have Sharia Law but do all muslims want it? Are they ok with Sharia Law?
asked Feb 16, 2011 in Islam by anonymous

4 Answers

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Eventhough todays press shows all muslims as terorists or extremists, i believe most muslims are against to Sharia Law.

Take Turkey for example; The country has %98 muslim population yet they are secular. Well i know Turkey is the only secular islamic country but it also has one of the highest populations in the area.

We see more and more revolutions (as Egypt. Libya, Tunisia etc.) against monarcy and sharia everyday. Those people are sick of Sharia law and they dont want it. But they dont have saying in parliament.

Quran is not a governmental system (regime). Quran is a book of a religion (Islam).

answered Feb 27, 2011 by anonymous
0 votes
Yeap we are secular and we ll be secular forever.we hate sharia ans.people must be free about their religion.and in shariah there s no freedom
answered May 8, 2012 by anonymous
0 votes
Religion is (should not be) a govermental system. A Belief is a belief. Varies for each person and should never be judged by another person. Therefore any kind of belief should stay in each persons heart and judged by their own judgement.

I am sure there are many muslims out there who wants to be under a sharia law but there are extreme religious people in every religion anyway. Just look at Vatican or Israel.
answered May 8, 2012 by anonymous
0 votes
Islam promotes freedom of religion. Sharia does not allow that freedom. It is a contradiction.
answered Aug 13, 2012 by anonymous (6,010 points)