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How are children disciplined in Islam?

0 votes
Everyone asks the question of spanking wife/hitting women, what about children, are they to be physically disciplined/punished and if so at what age does this start and stop?
asked Sep 19, 2012 in Islam by anonymous (6,010 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
As far as my understanding is, and the cultural understanding throughout most of the middle east, you have the right to hit your child for wrong doing. It does meantion that you are not allowed to beat a child though. And also there is a hadith that explains a situation when a young child had urinated while sitting on Prophet Muhammads(PBUH) lap. The father was very embarrased and started freaking out at the child. Muhammad (PBUH) then said to the father of the child something along the lines of, "This is not a big deal. My clothes can be washed. But when you act like this to your child in public, their feelings of embarrasment can never be washed away." I have, and I feel like other muslims have viewed this as, don't make a scene in public. If you are upset at your child, punish them in the privacy of your own house, not in public.
As far as age goes, it depends on the person. I have seen as young as 2 and it's ending depends on the sex of the child. I have seen grown men get hit by their mothers slipper, or fathers hitting their son in the back of the head. But I feel that woman stop being disciplined my their parents after they get married, then it becomes the husbands responsibility.
answered Sep 20, 2012 by anonymous
0 votes
As I have known as regards disciplining their children,  it eventually depends on the age of the child. If the child is young of course it is enough to advise and guide him/her with soft words without  hitting the child, because hitting is not convenient at their age.  But when the child grows up and reaches the age specified by the Prophet  by saying,
answered Jan 25, 2013 by alexander_margarita (410 points)