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Do muslims believe that Jesus was crucified?

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I know that muslims believe that jesus was a prophet, but do they believe in his crucifixion?
asked Oct 3, 2012 in Islam & Christianity by anonymous

3 Answers

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there are two schools of thought. but the overall answer is no. Depending on which sholar you ask, it is said that Jesus (which is also a prophet in Islam, but not the son of God) assended to heaven before dying on the cross. another thought is that his body was taken to heaven as a whole before being crucified. There are other interpretations, but I only know these two.
answered Oct 3, 2012 by anonymous
0 votes
They believe he did not die on the cross and that he is still with us. Has a similar ring to christianity...hmmm
answered Oct 5, 2012 by anonymous (6,010 points)
0 votes
In christanity, we do believe that Jesus died. He was burried in a tomb and everything. After a little while, they went to morn over his body, but he wasn't there. He then showed up to his apostiles houses and told them that he has arisen from the dead.
answered Oct 9, 2012 by anonymous