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Why cant you practice any other religion than Islam in Saudi Arabia?

0 votes
Except some special places, you cant practice any other religion than Islam in Saudi Arabia.

I thought Islam was about toleration, patience, understanding, respect to other religions.

Can you practice Judaism in Saudi Arabia? can you ask to build a Synagog in Saudi Arabia?

There are Mosques and Churches in Israel.
asked Jan 15, 2013 in Islam by anonymous

2 Answers

+1 vote
As the name of the country "Saudi Arabia" for me ARABIA is short word for Arabs which in fact as I thought is Islamic ... in my point of view though....
answered Jan 25, 2013 by elizabethmadison63 (520 points)
0 votes

HHAHha @elizabethmadison63  you sounds so sarcastic! ... but as you said it's your point of view though.... well the truth is that... other religions except of Islam is barred in Saudi as elizabeth says its an Arab country...

answered Jan 28, 2013 by serranot92 (430 points)