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What is so special about how Muslims pray?

0 votes
What is so special about how Muslims pray?
asked Jan 29, 2013 in Islam by Soply1958 (300 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Their devotion to Allah and the committment to ones beliefs is what is special. Islam has a uniform way and they are united, as opposed to lazy chritians who usually pray just when in need. Christians have one tree  but a million branches going in so many different directions that they cant even worship in the same church because they all pray just a little bit different or believe just a little bit different.
Muslims take the time everyday to give thanks to Allah as we are nothing without him.
answered Jan 30, 2013 by anonymous (6,010 points)
Yes it is because of their devotion and in other way its the way that Prophets do as believing in Allah. But anonymous let us not judge what other religions do about praying... ;)
You are right Aronjun and I beg the pardon of anyone who took offense as it was not my intention to offend or judge. My apologies for my poor choice of words. Having been raised in a christian home I have seen many churches fall apart over technocalities and discord and many bitter words for each other. I knew at a young age God was not pleased with this behavior and hamdolillah I was able to find peace in islam. Thank you for kindly reminding me and salaam.