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Who can get in The Kaaba?

0 votes
It always shows that Muslims turn arround Kaaba or walk or pray towards it but it doesnt show if they get in it. Can any Muslim get in the Kaaba or who can?
asked Jan 22, 2011 in Islam by anonymous

2 Answers

0 votes
not anybody that goes to mekka can get in, you have to be a king or someone that knows the king or someone very extermly special (ofcourse you HAVE to be muslim). and there actully isn't much in there, just the footprints and picecs of hair from some prophets (my dad's been in it). and you can  look at the sealing.
answered May 30, 2011 by anonymous
Is your dad an extremly special person?
What is there exactly? I maen hair of which prophet? foot prints of which prophet?

Also i think you meant to say Ceiling not sealing.
0 votes
And I thought I was the sensible one. Thanks for sttieng me straight.
answered Sep 14, 2011 by anonymous