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Do Muslims Sacrifice Sheep or goat for Allah?

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Is there scarification for God in Islam? If there is what do they sacrifice?
asked Jan 22, 2011 in Islam by anonymous

3 Answers

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Yes. I think this tradition is coming from Judaism because Its the same story of Abraham (Ibrahim) in Islam. He was going to sacrifice his son to God but Gabriel came down and gave him a goat to sacrifice instead. So Muslims sacrifice sheep, goat, cattle or even camels once every year.
answered Jan 24, 2011 by anonymous
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Yes. Every year during "Eid al-Adha" (Festival of Sacrifice) every Muslim who is considered rich by Islamic Law has to sacrifice a sheep/goat/camel/cow/etc.

answered Feb 1, 2011 by John (880 points)
0 votes
Jews every year sacrificed sheep, lamb, goat (never camel or pig as they have the hoof thing) because the animal (which has to be healthy and perfect) used to take their sins away.  Christians no longer sacrifice as Jesus (the only sinless person ever) took the sins of the world.

A lot of islamic customs were formed in Medinna and learned from the Jews there.  Muslims today sacrifice animals for no good reason.
answered Dec 25, 2011 by anonymous