Questions & Anwers About Islam
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What Are The Main Practices And Rituals Of Islam?

+1 vote
The main pratices and rituals of Muslims.
asked Apr 8, 2013 in Islam by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
One misunderstanding that some people have about Islam is that they believe that Islam is simply about practicing a set of rituals. It is common to see and hear about the outwardly expressions of Islam such as prayers, fasting and the pilgrimage. It is also common to hear about the various restrictions Islam imposes such as prohibition of alcohol and pork, and the requirement for women to dress modestly. It is less common to hear about other aspects, so it may seem as if Islam is solely focused on rituals and restrictions. However, the reality is that Islam is meant to be a complete way of life for its followers. It includes a complete and logical set of beliefs, rituals, and a moral code that covers every action that a Muslim takes in their life. Since this question specifically asks about practices and rituals, only the physical, outwardly expressions of Islam will be discussed in this answer.
answered Apr 8, 2013 by anonymous