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Regarding betting.. [poll]

+1 vote
Assalamu Alaikum brothers/sisters... So far i was not involved in betting/gambling. But very recently i betted for three times on cricket matches. Though it is prohibted in Islam.. Luckily i won all three games.. However i have not recovered the amount yet from opponent. I guess i should not take the money from him. Inshallah, i will avoid betting going forwrad.. However he is non muslim.. So Wats ur opinion on this.
Do i need to accept that money n distribute to poor n needy ones (1 vote)
Shall i not accept the money and cancel the deal. (1 vote)
asked Apr 20, 2013 in Islam by anonymous

2 Answers

+1 vote
You have already commited the sin. Plus he is a non-muslim. I would accept the money but then tevbe betting again. Never ever do it again because that is a form of gambling. Also spend that money you earn for good deeds.
answered Apr 21, 2013 by anonymous
0 votes
I only say accept the money because if you do not this person who you bet against will  not be held accountable for his part and if he loses his money to you and you give the money for charity, maybe he will not bet again as a result of being held accountable. Also you could use this as an opportunity to make dawah for him and at the same time explain why you won't ever gamble again. If you did not win and you had to pay him and he used the money for something bad then you would be accountable to Allah (SWT). Make good from this and build your rewards. I can see four good things in exchange for one bad thing that you have no intention of doing again.

answered Jun 9, 2013 by anonymous (6,010 points)