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Why Islam Spread by The Sword?

+1 vote
How can Islam be called the religion of peace when it was spread by the sword.
asked Jul 7, 2013 in Islam by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes
True, Islam pass on this means that sword, but this sword was in the role of the Sufi Saints who won the hearts and minds of people. In most countries no Muslim army ever sets foot but only Sufi saints went there and pass on the communication of Islam. Sufi saints always kept a distance from royal courts and politics. The sword, this iron metal sword was barely responsible for the increase in size of the Islamic state. As stated by history, in many cases Muslim rulers were against non Muslims translating in order to keep on receiving juicy taxes. Gaza means a tax paid by non Muslims back for safeguarding.
answered Jul 8, 2013 by jepoyz (1,240 points)