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Why does Islam degrade women by keeping them behind the veil?

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To know what is the status of Islam women.
asked Jul 7, 2013 in Islam by anonymous

1 Answer

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Muslim cover their heads because God so directed in His closing novel, the Glorious Qur'an. This instruction from God is only one aspect of a wider context of purity of thought and action for men and women. Islam has very strict rules against adultery and fornication, and introduces many cautious measures to ensure the prevention and avoidance of such sins. One measure is the prescription that men and women should avoid intermingling as far as possible. This is why men and women pray in separate areas or separate rows in the mosque. Another measure is that men and women should cover the specified areas of their bodies the sight of which arouse sexual desire in others. Yet another measure is that men and women should lower or turn their gaze away from looking at a person of the opposite sex. The idea that the head covering is a sign of subjection of women is found not in the Qur'an but in other religious book with which the Qur'an does not always agree. That other book teaches that women should have a sign of authority over their heads because man was not created for woman, but woman from man. The same book says that a man should not cover his head because he is the image and glory of God; and a woman should cover her head because she is the glory of man. The Qur'an does not identify with any of these ideas. The Qur'anic prescription of head cover does not in any way imply the subjection of women.

answered Jul 8, 2013 by jepoyz (1,240 points)