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When meeting a potential marriage partner, are Muslims required to have a chaperone or can they meet in private?

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To know if it is fine to meet Muslims men and women in public or in private.
asked Jul 8, 2013 in Islam by anonymous

1 Answer

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When a male as well as a woman show up in a public place then there is no need for a chaperone. Islam avoids doubts to this. For that reason it's fine if the meeting will occur at a institution but we must be aware of the purity of the intention.Being open with your own father and mother is also very important,in particular when you decide to take it forward, this will likely minimise a lot of hassle and heartache.In the end , it has to be within the right frame,the right space and place.Then again the way of life and traditions of community is required to be taken into consideration to make certain that the reputation of both the male and female are not ruined .
answered Jul 12, 2013 by lee (710 points)