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Is it Lawful to have sex before the marriage?

0 votes
Is it a sin to have sex before the marriage in Islam?

If it is a sin then how bad it is and what if you already have done it?

Is it same for boy and girl? or is it just not sin for boys?
asked Jan 16, 2011 in Islam by anonymous
edited Jan 17, 2011 by Admin

2 Answers

+1 vote
LOL! I loved the question, the confession and finally the regret :)

Well Quran says NO you should not. Same for boys and girls. No sex without marriage. That is explained very clear in The Book.

As for the regret part, i share the same regret with you. Shame on us. However Quran says every sin is forgivable. Except some extreme stuff i forgot now. So you still have chance to get your sin erased from the record.

God knows the best.

Good Luck :)
answered Jan 16, 2011 by anonymous
0 votes
lol. "Shame on us"

You shouldn't worry about Allah forgiving you, if you seek his forgivness, you can always find it. But if you are from a culture where being a virgin matters, than I hope you are a boy. Because where I am from, they check the sheet to make sure you have blood on it after the first time with your husband.
answered Apr 24, 2012 by anonymous
Every virgin does not bleed. This is a bad way of defining someone for the rest of her life. There should be a gynocologist or midwife on hand to check before and or after if it is that important to know. Besides who needs to know except your spouse and hopefully if you are marrying someone you can be honest before it's too late.

Men are supposed to be virgins as well, who checks for their blood? Oh that's right ...they don't bleed! How will we ever know the truth? Is it possible to just TRUST?!
There should be a software put on boys that tells you how many times he's had sex. That way they are held accountable as well :)