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What should i do special in Ramadan?

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Should i do anything special during the Ramadan? other than fasting and giving zaqat?
asked Jul 31, 2011 in Islam by anonymous

2 Answers

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- You should help more to people. Not only zaqat but you should give more. Ramadan is a month of giving. Its just like Christions thanksgiving day. Ramadan is a month which you show your Appreciation for what you have.

- You should have more mercy on poor and hungry because you are fasting and you feel what they feel all the time.

- You should not cuss or use any sort of bad language. Ramadan is a month of fasting but not only for food. Also for bad habits. You should be clean and have a pure heart during Ramadan.

- You should not drink alcohol at anytime because its already prohibited in Quran but it would be very bad drinking alcohol especially during Ramadan.

- You should focus on cleanness of spirit and your heart. You should be extra careful to be a good Muslim during Ramadan.

- No gambling on Ramadan. If you cant quit gambling at least for a month in a year, then you have an addiction and in need of psychological treatment.

- Be good to your family and your neighbour. "You shouldnt be able to sleep comfortable knowing your neighbour is hungry." said Mohammed. Be a good family oriented person. Spend time with your family and enjoy.

- Patience. Patience. Patience. Fasting will be very stressful on your body. You will challenge your brain as well as your body and your patience. Make sure you win! Because Allah wants you to win this fight against yourself.
answered Jul 31, 2011 by anonymous
0 votes
you should abide the rules, like doing what is right to do and not to do in this holy month... That would be special... as you are doing as a sign of being a full pledge Islam and you respect your religion... that's make special...
answered Jan 28, 2013 by josephgillies74 (520 points)