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Can I continue a relation with a non-Muslim person who I love as father?

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Assalamu alaikum,

I am 20, male and a third year medical student. I'm a devout Muslim. My family is also deeply religious. But I'm in a very complex situation.

When I was in college at the age of 17, I started developing a father-son relationship with one of my teachers. That would be fine if he was a Muslim. But he was born in a Hindu family, an atheist now for a long time and also critical about all religions including Islam. He loves me too much beyond imagination. I know it because he talks to me everyday though now he lives in a foreign country. Everyday we keep contact- literally everyday. And honestly I love him too much too; I go crazy if he doesn't call me even just one day. I always think he is my father. All my family and friends know about our relation and accept it.

But I don't like him being critical about religions including my religion. I also told him that. It's true that he never told me anything definitive about Islam like other atheists say for example 'Islam suppresses women' etc. etc. nor did he ever say to me to become an atheist. He sometimes talks about different 'ayats' and points out that this 'ayat' says so, that 'ayat' tells Muslims to do so etc. etc. as he studies religions and the holy books. He read the Koran and the Hadiths few times.

Now the big issue is:
Does Islam approve of such relation with a non-Muslim who is also critical about Islam? Please give references from the Koran and Hadiths when you answer me back. Islam comes first to me, every one else later. If Islam does not approve of it, I'll surely cut this relation. But that will definitely take a huge toll on me.

Please pray for me to Allah Subhanahu wa-ta'ala.
Allah Hafiz
asked Oct 22, 2011 in Islam by anonymous

2 Answers

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You should not judge others by their religion. The person can be any religion (ateism is also a belief system) and as long as you dont get effected by him, you should treat him as a human no matter what his belief is especially if that person is so good to you and you feel like he is your father.

He may critisize your religious beliefs as long as you let him to. If you guys are that much close to each other you can ask him to stop and he should respect that as you respect his belief (of no-belief).

Every person can comment on an ayat from Kuran. It doesnt matter what people think. You make your own decisions and and you will see the Kuran as you want to see it. Dont get stuck too much about what people think and say about Kuran. Get your own lesson out of it and try to make yourself a better person with its teachings.

Let me answer your "big" question.

Does Islam approve of such relation with a non-Muslim who is also critical about Islam?

Not really. Our prophet have made trades with Christians and Jews. He also made good friends with few of them. Its not like you are going to marry this guy or you go to his ateist temple and pray with him nor practice his beliefs. You have a strong friendship (or you can call it Father-Son relationship) and you can always keep it that way.

My dear brother, I just read the last part of your message and to be honest i couldn`t find in Kuran which says anything good about non-believers. I wouldnt take Kuran word by word but its up to you to destroy this precious relationship because of your own view of Kuran.

I would personally follow below ayat.


answered Oct 23, 2011 by anonymous
0 votes
Thank you very much brother. I appreciate your time and effort in replying. Also it's an eye opener for me. Now I understand this would be utter stupidity if I broke this relation with him. It's a precious relation and I'll keep it intact forever.


Thank you again.
answered Oct 24, 2011 by anonymous