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what does a Muslim man expect of his non-Islamic bride after marriage?

0 votes
My future husband is a sunni muslim and he hesitates to discuss what he expects of me after marriage. I am not Muslim. I love him and do not want to disappoint him. I think he is afraid that I will back out if he tells me. He just says don't worry.
asked Apr 5, 2012 in Islam by Anonymus (1,080 points)
edited Apr 6, 2012 by Anonymus

3 Answers

+1 vote
Insist that he tells you before you marry him, especially if you'll live in his country. And ask questions: Will you have a say in a decision when to have children and how many? Will you have to be ready to have sex with him any time he wants? Will corporal punisment be part of your marriage? etc.
answered Apr 6, 2012 by anonymous
Corporal punishment? Really?
+1 vote
I am married to a muslim man, and he doesn't expect anything that any other man wouldn't expect from their wives. Try not to over think this, him being a different religion shouldn't affect much. Although it is always a smart idea, no matter what religion the person is, to figure out what the other person expects from you before you get married. My husband and I told eachother what we expected before we got into a serious relationship. Because of this we rairly fight, and are both very happy. I hope you persist on what he expects, and you should tell him what you expect also. Once you get married, the cute stage only lasts a little while, then comes the stresses of life. Don't wait to find out eachothers expectations AFTER the marriage.
answered Apr 6, 2012 by anonymous
Thank you for these insightful answers. Also for taking the time to give advice. We do talk about these things I just feel he is holding back. Maybe you are right in that I am over thinking things, however I do know he expects me to convert no matter where we live. I am not oppossed because I have more of a spiritual open- mindedness about God. I think we are all God's children and it doesn't matter which religion we profess to, good is good and bad is bad. You get what you give. Every religion thinks that theirs is the only way and the true way but the truth as I see it is each one is telling the same story. The only differences I see are the man made laws and rules by which to abide, as each religion has their own interpretation of this. It all comes down to a choice. A choice that each person has to make for themselves everyday. A choice to love each other and do the best you can, or to harm each other and do wrong. It all seems to get very complicated with religous factors.
+1 vote
In Islam, the man is allowed to marry outside of the religion. As long as you beleive there is one true god, then it doesn't matter what religion you are. If you are a muslim woman, then you HAVE to marry a muslim man (Because in islam, men are the head of the household.) But you shouldn't convert to a religion just because he wants you too. It doesn't say in Islam that once the mulim man marrys the non-muslim woman, that she had to convert.
If you are convdrting because you feel it is the right path for your spiritual well being, then more power to you, but following Allah isn't about making others happy, it's about your personal relationship with God.
answered Apr 9, 2012 by anonymous
I couldn't agree with you more.