Questions & Anwers About Islam
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Why there is always war in the middle east?

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Think about all the countries in the middle east. Almost all of them are Muslim countries and they keep fighthing with each other or within themselves.

I thought the Islam was a peaceful religion?
asked Jul 31, 2012 in Islam by anonymous

2 Answers

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Islam IS a peaceful religion. War has existed since the beginning of time,and in every nation. Islam leads people to live a peaceful life, but just like leading a horse to water, the people have to decide to choose peace and try to solve issues without violence when they don't agree. Sadly I don't see this happening in this world we live in. Islam is a religion and I am not aware of any religion that advocates war above peace. It's the human weakness that makes war.
answered Aug 22, 2012 by anonymous (6,010 points)
0 votes
War exists in any religion. Christianity is peaceful as well, but look at the crusades. Judaism is peaceful, but look at how they acquired their land in the past. Sadly, wars are still being fought.
answered Oct 5, 2013 by anonymous