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Is it bad to listen rock or metal in Islam?

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I love metal, rock, detah metal etc. but all the muslims around me says "Its the devils song"

Is it really bad to listen metal or rock type of songs if you are muslim?
asked Aug 22, 2012 in Islam by anonymous

2 Answers

0 votes
Personally I love all music, but it is my understanding that it is haram. You will find different p.o.v. on this subject, but to me it feels like music is good for your soul. If it promotes bad things (i.e. killing, drinking, drugs, zinnah) or takes you away from your duties and obligations then I would say it is bad. Everythinging should be in moderation, with good intentions, peace and love. Not a big fan of metal and death metal at all and it probably isn't good for your soul, however some rock music is very good. This is just my own opinion. Hope it helps.
answered Aug 22, 2012 by anonymous (6,010 points)
0 votes
I think it is about your intentions. If you have good intentions then I don't think that death metel is a bad thing. It has been said that music overall is haram, but that is open for debate. But if you are listening to things that promote bad things, and then in part think they are cool, then of course it is bad. Like I said before, it is about your intentions.
answered Aug 23, 2012 by anonymous