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Can i pray in English instead of Arabic during a Salat?

0 votes
I know everybody prays in Arabic and many people dont even know the meaning of their prays. Therefore i actually want to know the meanings of what i am saying and i would like to memorize them in English as they are. But is it ok to pray in English during Salat? Would anybody get offended if i pray in English in a Mosque?
asked Sep 13, 2012 in Islam by anonymous

2 Answers

+1 vote
Better to pray than not to pray at all. If you want to know the meaning of the prayers then you should also take time to learn the arabic words and pronounciation. As for anyone being offended they should not be, anyways you dont have to pray too loud.
answered Sep 16, 2012 by anonymous (6,010 points)
0 votes
I pray in english too. It says that you should pray like mohammad (pbuh) prayed, and since he prayed in arabic, then it would be more accuret to pray in the same language. But it is really up to you and your intentions. If you are praying in english because you feel closer to god that way, then more power to you!
answered Sep 17, 2012 by Blonderina (330 points)