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Does Quran say anything about fantasies in bed?

0 votes
I have some weird, wicket fantesies in bed but im kinda afraid to put them in action because i dont know if it would be a sin and maybe prohibited like doing anal.

So i was wondering if Quran says anything about how a person should be in bed and what kinda beheviour he can have in bed and during intercourse?
asked Sep 13, 2012 in Islam by anonymous

3 Answers

+1 vote
Anal is strictly FORBIDDEN and no wife is obliged to do it. You don't mention if your fantasies are when awake or dreaming. If you are awake you should feel free to discuss your fantasies with your spouse, hopefully you would be able to oblige one another. If your fantasies are in dreams then the Quran says if you wake and find yourself wet you should bath/shower and change sheets. If you wake and cannot remember or are not wet then you don't have to shower or change sheets.
answered Sep 18, 2012 by anonymous (6,010 points)
0 votes
yes it does, perhaps you should read it.
answered Sep 16, 2012 by anonymous (6,010 points)
0 votes
lol, the quran does say somethings about how anal is a dirty act, but it also says that husbands can basically do whatever they want to their wives. If I were you, I would find a husband that is into the same things, then it would be less of a sin.
answered Sep 17, 2012 by Blonderina (330 points)
There is no sin as long as its not anal and as long as it does not become an obsession to the point of no return. Sexually a woman has the same rights as a man and he is obliged to satisfy her needs as she is his.