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Please tell me what you know about Human Growth Hormone?

0 votes
It is about HGH.
asked Sep 18, 2012 in Others by Harriette Garant (120 points)
reshown Mar 22, 2023 by Admin

3 Answers

+1 vote
Your question does not seem to relate to Islam. Maybe you should be more specific or check a medical website.
answered Sep 19, 2012 by anonymous (6,010 points)
0 votes
I feel like you are just trying to get help on either your homework or a test or something. Why didn't you just wiki it?
answered Sep 20, 2012 by Hamza (280 points)
0 votes

Human Growth Hormone is formed from the pituitary gland which is present in human brain and necessary for the growth of the human body such as the formation of tissues , cell and organs as well as it affects on height too. The deficiency of this hormone cause several health issues like fatigue, extra fat, hair loss, etc are more common in a person who has deficiency of HGH. An endocrinologist suggest the dose and days of your treatment and you start your cure but under the supervision of a doctor. With more advantages it has also some risk factor which include cardiovascular problems, liver dysfunction, acne problem, diabetes, baldness and prostate issues etc.

answered Sep 20, 2012 by Carmen Silletto (140 points)
edited Sep 22, 2012 by Carmen Silletto