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Why Muslims pray in only Arabic?

0 votes
Do Muslims have to pray in Arabic? Why dont they pray in another language?

I kept noticing even if their native language is not Arabic, they still pray in Arabic.
asked Jan 19, 2011 in Islam by anonymous

3 Answers

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Because of the traditions. Just like why Catholics pray in Latin or Jews pray in Hebrew.  Religions are always very traditional and are not very open to understanding, adopting changes.
answered Jan 20, 2011 by anonymous
0 votes
I'm an african......English being my second language I noticed the differences, theres a word in my native language which indicate you're talking about a person. That word can be used to indicate a human whether male or female, but when it is translated in english its he or she but it don't mean that...... Another piont is that jesus spoke aramiac, but the bible eas written in greek, in that you know some thing got lost in the translation.........a word in aramaic meaning master or indicating some one is supeior to you could be translated in greek using a superior word which mean god to the greek people, now you have a problem in translation and with out the origin like the original quran in arabic you have trials and aflictions and changes inthe holy text its self not just in the its better to have learn arabic then to change the quran......As salaamu alaikum...
answered Jun 20, 2011 by anonymous
0 votes
Still scholars argue about some words in arabic. Altough these people are excellent linguists they still argue on what were mentioned by some words.
answered Jan 13, 2012 by anonymous