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Why do Muslims ask questions here about what is in the Quran?

0 votes
Just that some questions seem to be coming from people who are muslim or seeking to be muslim and in either case they should be reading the Quran for themselves to find the answer. I am sure there are true information seekers who are clueless and thats why this site is here, but it also seems like there are lazy people who don't feel like finding knowledge on their own so they just come here hoping to find someone to tell them what they want to hear as opposed to facing the truth.
asked Oct 5, 2012 in Islam by anonymous (6,010 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Because they can get different oppinions from different people people, quicker than reading Quran to get one answer for their question.

Why do you google everything instead of reading books and finding the answer? Because you can find more information, quicker, and from more sources.
answered Oct 5, 2012 by anonymous
I still read just to double check google links. Fair enough point about peoples varied opinions. People should be careful to make sure opinions line up with the facts.
0 votes
It's nice to see how other people would handle the same situations. I find myself searching for others and how they would deal with it.
answered Oct 9, 2012 by anonymous
0 votes
to get the one TRUE answer.
answered Oct 13, 2012 by anonymous