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What are some of the major differences between islam and christianity?

+1 vote
I'm not religious, so I don't know the differences. I think religion is generally bad for people. It is used for corruption and misguiding the masses. But I still wonder what the major differences between islam and christianity are? And I am asking beyond the topic of jesus.
asked Oct 9, 2012 in Islam & Christianity by anonymous

5 Answers

+1 vote
I agree with anonymous there is really  huge difference between the two races... Well I should say Islam are  more Faithful compared to christians....
answered Jan 28, 2013 by anonymous
I should agree, as Christians has many saints that they have believe in I don't understand why they have to praise saints when they believe there's only one God to believe in.
0 votes
one difference is that with christians if you don't ask for forgivness from your sins, you go to hell for all of entirnity, but in islam, there are different levels of hell, and how lond you stsy.
answered Oct 10, 2012 by anonymous
also different levels of heaven
0 votes
If you ask me... there is not a huge difference between christanity and islam.
answered Nov 3, 2012 by anonymous
0 votes
In my mind, there is a much bigger difference between the two religions than an understanding of Jesus identity. It has to do with the earth. Each religion has their own unique...
answered Jan 29, 2013 by anonymous
0 votes
All i can say is there is not much difference between Christianity and Islam, They all believe that there is only one God although they have different names and they have different way of praying.
answered Feb 1, 2013 by jamie03311 (300 points)