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Religion: When, Why & how?

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How did religion start based on the 3 religions i.e. Judaism, Chirstianity & Islam?
asked Dec 4, 2012 in Islam & Christianity by ladymeeda (220 points)

2 Answers

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My personal oppinion about this question would be;

Religion has started with belief. Belief has started when Man has looked up to heavens (sky). Man has started to think, the Sun is the God. Then at night, maybe the Moon is the God. Then he realized there is so much to know and he must believe in somethings to hope. Human needs hope to survive.

Once Man knows hope, belief and knowledge are needed to survive he started to shape religions.

Religions are also required for the social, moral and ethical reasons therefore Man started to think how can he make people follow him? How can he make them belive him?

Books? Angels? Other Supreme Beings? etc. He came up with things which you cant see and must believe because you cant prove otherwise.

This is how i think religions have started. You can never know exactly when but its easy to guess how and why.
answered Dec 4, 2012 by anonymous
0 votes
But who created it? who created the universe and everything it it? in perfect order. Who created man with his intelect and everything in it? Surely there must be a supreme being!

The human have needs such as salvation I agree. Why were man put on this earth? Moving back to the 3 main religions. How do we know which religion is the true religion? Lets begin with Adam the first human being created and lets look at it from the perspective of the three monotheistic religions Judaism, Christianity and islam.
answered Dec 4, 2012 by ladymeeda (220 points)
Your question was why, how and when and I think your question has been answered. You should open a new topic if you wanna get answers for
"Who has created the universe?"
"Why were man put on this earth?"
"How do we know which religion is the true religion?"
and more...