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If 2 muslim lovers will aloof ...are they still be accepted if they come back to their parents and to islam?

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If 2 muslim lovers will aloof ...are they still be accepted if they come back to their parents and to islam?
asked Jan 29, 2013 in Islam by Venows80 (300 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Did you mean aloof or elope? Either way the answer is yes, although every situation is different, generally they will be welcome back into the fold of their family and Islam. Islam is a peaceful religion and Allah is most gracious and most merciful. Some families however will feel obliged to physically punish the lovers, especially the female will most likely be beaten by her father or even a brother. Intention and remorse play a big part in such a scandal.
answered Jan 30, 2013 by anonymous (6,010 points)